I love these lolsecretz! They're not as *dark* as some of the previous ones and realy made me lol. What I also love about this site is that it's not confined to cats only. It's refreshing to see other pets being highlighted.
Lolsecretz is the meeting of two of the internet's most famous memes– anonymous confessions a la PostSecret (the blog where people anonymously confess their deepest darkest secrets) crossed with Lolcat Macros(the phenomenon where people ascribe poorly spelled human emotions to animals). Lolsecretz is satire. Enjoy!
Submit ur secretz!!!!!
Please send your/your pets' secrets as .jpg files to secretburger AT gmail DOT com. You have to have permission to use any photos, and you must include a photo credit. Anonymous pix and images found on Icanhascheezburger? or anywhere else randomly on the net without credits are NOT okay. If you need cat pix, try here. These are all brand new, free to use cat images. Make sure you give us the name of the photographer when you submit, though! The bigger da image, da better. kthxbai!!!
By submitting content to Lolsecretz, you grant Lolsecretz a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, distribute, and otherwise exercise all copyright and publicity rights with respect to that content at its sole discretion, including storing it on Lolsecretz servers and incorporating it in other works in any media now known or later developed including without limitation published books.
If you do not wish to grant Lolsecretz these rights, it is suggested that you do not submit content to this website. Lolsecretz reserves the right to select, edit and arrange submissions, and to remove information from the Lolsecretz website at any time at its sole discretion.
this site is a brilliant concept! trini sent me over and i love it!
yessssssss! lolsecretz renown! too bad it's a self-fulfilling prophecy!
I love these lolsecretz! They're not as *dark* as some of the previous ones and realy made me lol.
What I also love about this site is that it's not confined to cats only. It's refreshing to see other pets being highlighted.
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